Lexia advised Finnair in its Component Support Services Agreement with Airbus

January 18, 2022

Finnair has entered into a Component Support Services agreement with Airbus for its entire A320 Family fleet (35 aircraft). Under the agreement, Finnair will e.g. benefit from integrated material services including on-site-stock at its main base in Helsinki, and will gain access to Airbus’ spares pools and components engineering and repair services around the world. Lexia acted as advisor to Finnair in the transaction.

Juha Ojala, Vice President Technical Operations at Finnair, said: “The agreement and collaboration with Airbus ensures an enhanced and innovative service for component reliability and availability while supporting fleet flexibility. Lexia’s legal support was a very valuable asset to Finnair during contracting. They have a solid understanding of both Finnair’s business needs as well as ability to provide excellent support during negotiations through team work.”

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