Meritas Named as Chambers & Partners Elite Global Legal Network
April 26, 2023

Chambers and Partners, the world’s leading legal rankings organization and guide to professional service providers in key markets worldwide, has again named Meritas an Elite Global Legal Network, its top ranking. Only Lexia Attorneys is a member of the network in Finland, and Lexia’s partner Peter Jaari is also a board member of Meritas.
Chambers’ in-depth research teams assess lawyers and law firms across more than 200 jurisdictions around the world, providing independent and impartial intelligence and market insight. Chambers reviews are highly regarded in the legal services industry and help clients choose the right law firm with the best international networks around the world.
Meritas is a global alliance of leading independent law firms operating in 235 markets. Members are selected from each country after careful screening and must meet strict requirements. Only one member from each country can belong to the network.
In addition to Peter Jaari, Lexia’s attorneys at Meritas include partner Samuli Koskela, who is Finland’s second contact person, Katriina Myllymäki a Young Lawyer at Meritas, and Robin Eklund as Co-chair of Meritas IT Group.