Marko Moilanen

Senior Associate, Oulu

Contact Details

Mobile: +358 40 517 0002

Email: [email protected]


Contract law, Corporate Advisory, ICT and Technology, Startups and Growth companies

With the help of my unique combination of education (LL.M, eMBA, M. Sc) and international business experience, I help our clients in as diverse situations as possible. My expertise is in the technology sector, contracts, and corporate law.

I provide our clients with pragmatic solutions and perspectives, taking into account the needs of the company and the nature of the business. The most important thing in my job is the success of the client’s business and helping with it. I assist the entrepreneur focus on the essentials.

Before joining Lexia, I worked at a law firm located in Oulu. Before the above, I was responsible for running the office of Fondia (Oulu). In my previous career, I have worked for Nokia in a variety of international roles, particularly in technology out-licensing

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